September 10

New Release from The Silence Noise – Factory of Hope

Songs and Releases

Factory of Hope is inspired by the /r/songaweek theme of “Digital.”


My dreams are in a machine
Downloading hope to a factory
Assemble my life from a template
Of a man to whom I don’t relate

Lost in the wave of technology
Dead to the world outside of me
Living in a cold blue gloom
I yearn for a future outside this room

I can’t breathe
I need air
I can’t see
My eyes are so tired

I can’t believe
With all this information
That I still don’t know how to live

I know so much but care so little
Always searching for the newest arrival
Mind is full of clicks and buzzes
Wishing I could ever fall asleep again
The day I waited for so long
Seems like it has come and gone
The day I waited for so long
Now what’s left to do but remember the pain?

I’ve waited for so long
I’ve waited for so long
I’ve waited for so long

Now I want to give up on this dream
Now I’m fully part of the machine

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